David Forster

David Forster

These are the lights of men's lives (Fort William)

acrylic 20 x 20cm

David Forster

In the midst of the Sky (Loutro, Crete)

acrylic 15 x 21cm

David Forster

From her bed she saw the beautiful country (Oxgangs Edinburgh)

acrylic 15 x 21cm

David Forster

And a high wind blew over the land (Vamos Crete)

acrylic 15 x 21cm

David Forster

And the walls were bright with beautiful hangings (Montepulciano Italy)

acrylic 15 x 21cm

David Forster

In the Great North Sea (Aberdeen)

mixed media 20 x 20cm

David Forster

Once, When the Hunter Entered the Forest (Dunkeld)

watercolour 15 x 21cm

David Forster

And by the Shimmering of the Moon (River Almond)

watercolour 15 x 21cm

David Forster

But sometimes an eagle or a hawk flying over it. (Mull)

acrylic 15 x 20cm

David Forster

David Forster’s intensely wrought landscape paintings refer to the traditions of the 18th and 19th centuries. Though the scenes depicted are topographically correct, light and colour are altered to create a fictionalised reality, that nonetheless conveys the authority of photo realist document.

By referring to older artistic traditions, the inheritance of narrative and emotional associations with landscape is evoked. However, at the core of the work is the idea of paradox, the contradictory, pairing of ideas. This notion is emphasised through the adjustments made by the artist to the scene.

Thus the work presents the industrialised wilderness of farmland, the well-trodden solitude of the British uplands , or the tame sublime of the country park. In this way the importance of a romantic narrative of landscape is explored, one that tenaciously survives the knowledge of a more prosaic reality.

David Forster

And then he came to the sea (Esha Nan, Shetlands)

acrylic 20 x 20cm

David Forster

The Stones as if they were Alive (Lewis)

watercolour 15 x 21cm
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    David Forster


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